Thursday, March 5, 2020

Equivalent Decimals

Equivalent Decimals We can say decimals are a kind of fractional numbers. For example, the decimal 0.5 represents the fraction 5/10. We know 5/10 is equivalent to 1/2. In other words we can say decimal number is a number which contains decimal point. It has whole part and decimal part. We can say digits before decimal as whole part and the digits after decimal as decimal part. We have some rules to write the equivalent decimals. Those are, an equivalent decimal has same digits after the decimal point. If we add a number zero at the end of decimal digits the value of that number will not change. If we add zeros before the whole number the value of the number will not change. And the important thing is the place value of a decimal will not change. Example 1: check the decimal 0.45 is equivalent to 00.4500 Solution: Given decimal is 0.45 We need to find the place values of these two decimals First we can find the place values of 0.45 4 is tenth place and 5 is at hundredth place .(1) Now we can find the place values of the digits of 00.4500 The place value of 4 is tenths and place value of 5 is hundredth ..(2) From (1) and (2), The place values of the digits are same. So the given decimals are equivalent. Example 2: check the decimal 0.5 is equivalent to 00.500 Solution: Given decimal is 0.5 We need to find the place values of these two decimals First we can find the place values of 0.5 5 is tenth place .(1) Now we can find the place values of the digits of 00.500 The place value of 5 is tenths ..(2) From (1) and (2), The place values of the digits are same. So the given decimals are equivalent.

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